ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Sunday, April 27, 2008,8:28 AM

oh wow. i cant believe i'm actually blogging at 8.31 am in the morning.

actually it's not the earliness, it's the amount of homework i OWE to my teachers that i actually havent passed up yet. want to see?

  1. Exercise 7.3, Geometry
  2. Humanities; project on River Nile and Aswan Dam
  3. Home Econs, portfolio
  4. Exercise 6.2, Algebra
  5. Maths test;to study
  6. Algebraic Revision 9
  7. Literature Hero's Journey
  8. Physics-too many to list
  9. Chapter 6-simple equations in one unknown
  10. Sec 1 Chemistry-seperation techniques [crystallisation]
  11. Chemistry worksheet on MLG
  12. Basic Algebra 2
  13. Basic Algebra 3

and much much more that i couldnt be bothered to list.

i swear, if my teachers [esp. mrs wong..nobody link her, please!] see this, i am one dead blogger. half of them are overdue. no, wait, 3/4 of them are overdue. like, PLEASE, man! i am a procrastinator. what can i say?

and i am STILL in love with detonated love. (: