ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Thursday, June 19, 2008,11:11 PM
events? blah.

aight. today was supposed to have CCA training, but guess what? my foot, which had skin peeled off the day before yesterday. it was bleeding so i just stopped the bleeding with a tissue and went to school.

last night i put iodine on it and a plaster. it healed.

then today at 6.15 am in the morning, i woke up to see my skin bright red again.



ironically yesterday i was learning about the contents of the first aid kit. & i was studying everything too, from haemorrhages to fainting to seizures. & today i was supposed to take the first aid proficiency badge.

in comes the blood, effing and blinding fit to burst.

MAN. how fair is this world anyway? ]

that's not the end of it.

today i was at the playground with my injury on the right leg. let's call it Mad Dog coz i got it when running from a mad dog with all my playground kakis.

then when i was playing zombies with fitri & ramdan & my bro, i rounded a corner. my left lil toe didnt quite make it and it got slammed backwards by the post.

lemme tell you, it was damn painful.

if you ask anyone from 6A class of 2007, park view pri school, they can tell you i do not feel pain easily. aquainted with faiz from 6C? He ever pinched me just to test it. i had marks plus one bleeding spot.

& i didnt feel it. not that much, anyway.

but this...i mean, my toe. it was freaking bent over backwards! and by backwards i mean STICKING OUT!!!

and then there's the fact that it started to swell and become purple. plus i couldn't feel it, much less CONTROL IT.

so the first thing i did? sit on the red-ant-infested ground and sms mr faizal, coz he's my NCDCC captain and he should know what to do. he told me to go to a doc.

okay, so he replied at 8 at night.

but anyway. i could still play colour-catching and wadeva other shit. after a while the pain subsided and i could ride a bike and run limping. but now i'm sitting at home blogging, with no medication at all on the sprained/fractured toe and with the other toe still red. reddish, anyway. i think.

but, BUT, i cannot bend or move my toe any ways other than sideways. and i cant move it to my right, only to my left, and even then if i move too much it hurts.

trust me, it hurts. bad.

and guess what? tomorrow i have to wear BOOTS. to CCA TRAINING.

my life really rules, doesn't it?

anyway. if you aren't interested anymore get going. i'm gonna rant a bit here on youtube vids.

there's a pebble path to massage your feet near the playground. everyone-naz, fitri, ramdan, eugene, brendan, naim, adlina, my bro & me-were on bikes and circling the path. way cool.

of course when there's a bunch of under-thirteens on wheels on rocks, there's numerous accidents.

i've got a bunch of vids here. dont diss it: it took a hell long time to upload them in youtube. takes even longer to upload them on blogger; not dissing either website, just my com. it's too slow for this kinda thing. anyone wanna donate a LG laptop?

p/s: my voice sounds weird on the phone coz it's distorted. i had a sore throat at time of filming, naz thought i was breaking my voice. come to think of it, so did adlina. and suhanna.and naim.

p/p/s: in case you confuse naz with my bro, naz is the one with the green cap. my bro is naz is shorter.

Vid one
An intro
Description: At the beginning, ppl trying to throw bottles onto the roof. Quite an uproar when they found out it would never stay up there.
Heroes: Guy fetching bottle: Naim. Weirdo on rail trying to balance: my bro, Dum (note that he fell on the rocks barefooted).
The URL:

Vid two
Description: Naim is on a bike with bizarre brakes. Funny, but must listen carefully for the braking sound. vid lags at about 0:00:36.
The heroes: the guy trying to slide: Naz. Guy stuck on bike: Naz. guy stuck at corner: Fitri.
The URL:

Vid three
Naim's accident
Description: Everyone has his moments. Naim has lots. This one he's responsible for a hold up and a accident. All in thirty secs.
Cause of accident: Naim. Guy complaining about brake: Naz. Girl sipping drink at sides: Adlina. Cause of holdup at beginning: Naim. Guy with weird-looking purple stick after accident: my bro

Vid four
Nazirul's accident
Description: Naz is crazy. Cra-zee. (note in the background of the interview there is a lone slipper, courtesy to my bro)
Heroes: Guy hopping on one leg: Eugene. Guy screaming in second accident: Naz. Eye witness: My bro

Vid five
Description: Crazy. Full stop. MAD MAD MAD. After one accident, another happens. Awesome.
Heroes: Victims: everyone. Guy screaming for help but smiling: Naz. Cuckoo throwing slippers: my bro.

Vid six Who's to blame?Description: Named this who's to blame because it's VERY obvious who's to blame for the hold-up.
Heroes: Guy falling in front of camera: Naz. Guy falling in background: Eugene.

It might be interesting for you to know that Video number Five is the wackiest of them all, because for this reason: IT IS FAKE. serious. before this one there was another fake accident and i didnt get to tape that coz naim deleted it accidentally so they staged another one. the second accident is the one that naz looks seriously fake. he put his bike on the floor. also, after this accident, there's ANOTHER accident opposite this one, this time real. See Vids 7 and 8 for that.

Vid seven
After the real accident
Description: Sorry couldn't get the real accident on tape, but it was very simple. Imagine a lot of shouting. This one is just as good. If you're malay, listen closely. You can make out someone shouting "muka babi". fyi: target of abuse: eugene. poor guy.
Heroes: Fallen hero:Fitri. Guy shouting abuse in beginning: my bro. Guys helping to shout abuse: Naz and Naim. Peacemaker: Adlina.

Vid eight
AFTER after the accident
Description: After the truckload of verbal abuse, ppl turn to physical fighting. Think Kung fu panda with more exaggeration.
Heroes: Victim:Eugene. Murderer: My bro. Accomplice: Naim

That's it. habis. k.o. nomore.

hope you enjoyed, no, hope you watched it. if you didn't, WHY ARE YOU READING THIS??? GO AND WATCH NOW.

if you have, arigato gozaimas. continue reading my blog.

signing off. Dee.

i watched the vid just now and just realized that it's damn pixellated. my bad, very sorry. but it's not THAT bad, you can still see. no excuse not to watch. :D