Monday, January 4, 2010,5:05 PM
Things that freak the hell out of me
1) Wikipedia-ing the holocaust.
2) Too much chocolate. Actually that freaks out the people around me, not me, but okay, whatever.
3) Too many people in one place.
4) People that write you're as your and they're as their. I's just one apostrophe. Do you not pay attention in class?
5) Pe0plE hU TaIp lYkee d1sh !!!1111 I mean...are we talking the same language here?
6) People who go, LOLZ, every other sentence.
7) Oh, and people who flame me online and go, i DinT lYkE 1t C0Z th3 rAbitS w3r3 pUrPur. Um..okay...
8) Overly enthusiastic people.
9) People who joke about stupid stuff.
10) Clowns.
11) Headaches.
Yeah. Randomness.