ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Sunday, April 27, 2008,9:14 PM
beach-not so healthy

i went to the beach for like 6 hours, and came back with a really cool tan line. not to mention blood all over.

since the blood is obviously the most intruguing part, i shall inform you of this little fact first: NEVER GO TO PASIR RIS PARK WATERS UNLESS YOU HAVE TOUGH SOLES.

seriously man. i play street soccer in a concrete court after its been roasting barefoot and i consider that a training. come to think of it, that IS training. but this is just unbelievable.

in the damn waters, there are several incredibly sharp rocks that totally pierce through your skin. and when you're dashing through the waters with a whacko younger bro, sharp pieces of rocks are the last thing you want.

sadly i am the unluckiest person on this planet.

WHY cant we have beaches like Hawaii?? instead of beaches that are bloody polluted by sharp rocks that cause your feet to look like THIS:
and THIS?

seriously. the photos are damn pixelated because i, very unfortunately, used a camera phone, but that's beside the point. in real life, it looks like a chunk of flesh is dug out and replaced by this wobbly pink jelly.
i am so NOT exaggerating.
really! it's all pink and raw and damn painful. in the beach it didnt mind so much but when i showered at home it stung like mad!!!!
kinda predictable, considering a rock scooped out your flesh, though.
so then my mum put this medicine on it. its red and bloody and looks worse than the wound. yep, thats the red liquid you see in the pics.
you ALSO see under my table, which is damn messy due to a certain homework that required cutting out newspapers.
oh damn i just realized the homework i havent done. MISS YONG FORGIVE ME!!!
like hell she will.
anyway i only have 3 minutes left to use the computer so i'll leave the juicy details to next post-tomorrow. i hope. if i dont get kept back for severe lecture.
anyone up to doing my homework? PLEASE?