ooo pathetique
Quote: Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.
Sunday, May 4, 2008,5:44 PM
learning to fly;;but i aint got wings

settled for a blog skin. is it too...gray?


i can't believe i'm actually typing this in a LAN shop at, of all places, Golden Mile. not that i dont like it or whatever, but still!!! it's bot exactly a famed place.

anyway i am so not gonna give more details than i prefer, particularly since anyone can just read over my shoulder and think i am insulting their beloved shopping mall..

although blogging on this ergonomic keyboard is really very very fun. it's so easy to type on, not like the junk i have at home, which is so so slow and the letters only come out like three seconds after typing it. plus there's that whole double spacing thing.

and the LAN shop at elias mall,, doesn't really do a lot. yeah, the double spacing problem is gone, but the keyboard is so damn sticky. i wonder WHAT people have been eating on it. ice cream???

puh-lease. i am blogging in front of my father!!!

how incredible is that. oh yeah, wayy incredible.

oh yeah. && suhanna? on sunday 5.45, like, i DID log in. you just didnt sound like yourself with the, ahem, DUHH I'M A HUMAN part.

and damn i love this darn keyboard.

and oh my god. runescape? yeah, ever heard of zezima? haven't? who's he? oh, only the most powerful player in BLEEDING RUNESCAPE.

and the reason i am bothering to mention this is because he is being followed by hundreds of people. i am informed that a hypercam is recording this and is gonna post it on youtube.

damn i pity zezima. yeah, there's the whole "i am most powerful" thing, but heck, being followed by 134 people can't be very fun. especially when they're screaming things like "i love you zezima!!!"

hell. do they know he is 22 years old? or it could be a misinformed rumour...

either way. such is the mystery surrounding the cracked zezima. and hell yeah, he isn't the MOST powerful player now, but he's played for a heck of a long time and he definitely deserves some respect. as such zezima rules.

but don't bother looking zezima up on old wiki. you'll be redirected to Runescape in general instead.

instead click on these faithful youtube links[speaking of which, i heard youtube was being sued...what's up with that?]:
a peek into what zezima's inventory could hold
[found out from this vid that zezima has over a billion exp...]

get a chance to see skillcape emotes of all types from no other than zezima himself
[proves how powerful he is, considering you need to get lvl 100 in skill!!!]